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M()ir Brandts Honk BBS (p+31-70-3457929 / +31-70-3461215q) is very proud to
UNARJ-ST 9.96 (rev. I_A/Ni! 3.008: created @ Aug 26 1995 20:21:28)
compatible with: ARJ 2.41 (c) Copyright 1991-1993 Robert K. Jung
Usage: UNARJ_PR.TTP <command> [{/|-}<switch>[-|+|<option>]...]
<archive_name>[.ARJ] [<base_directory_name>][<wild_name>]
Example UNARJ_PR.TTP commands:
Extract files from archive: e archive
Extract maintaining directory structure: x archive
Extract new and newer files without query: e archive -u -y
Extract all files (overwrite; no query!): x -y archive
Extract subdirectory from archive: e archive subdir\*.* -p1
List files in archive: l archive
Test integrity of files in archive: t archive
Extract from a multiple volume archive with
pause for FIRST archive *and* any subsequently
loaded volume to enable disk-exchange! -> x -~k a:\archive
Show extended help and pause per 10 lines: -? -jp10
Detailed info of all supported options:
Command list:
<+ >: May only be used in environment variable or configuration file
loaded by environment variable. See manual for more info.
<e >: Extract files from an archive.
<l >: List contents of archive.
<t >: Test integrity of an archive.
<v >: Verbose listing of contents of an archive.
<x >: Extract files from an archive with full pathname.
Option list:
<-? >: Display complete help.
<-# >: Select files by number. Instead of specifying filenames and dirs
you specify their numbers as listed by the 'VIEW' <v> command.
Remember that every archive restarts with filenumber 1: this also
applies to multiple volumes so take care depacking file-number [1]
with those!
UNARJ_PR.TTP t -# -ay .\ 22-24 5 16-98 35
As you see, ranges can be spacified as
[number]-[number]. Also you may specify
overlapping ranges and single-file numbers:
UNARJ_PR.TTP recognizes these overlaps!
NOTE: INDEED, you see correctly: we have included 'selective
file-testing' with this version! (This is ARJ-compatible
<-$ >: Add/Extract volume-label to specified drive.
-$A: extracts volume label to drive A:
-$ extracts vol.labels to current drive.
<-& >: Set critical error handler to use the internal NON-INTERACTIVE
variant. This option may be used when using this tool from an
'unwatched' batch- or script-file (you don't like to press any key
in case of error...) or when you experience problems with
redirection on some (older) TOS-versions. <-&-> switches to the
interactive variant which is default.
<-+ >: Inhibits ARJ_SW environment variable usage. If specified with a
parameter, this parameter is used as the new env.var.name for this
session's settings.
will reload the environment from env.var.
'ARJCFG' after which the commandline will
be parsed again.
Precautions against infinite loop have been taken: the user will be
warned if an infinite loop occurs...
NOTE: Always put this option first after the hyphen or it might be
recognized as the '+' (ON-code) for any previous option!!!
<-a >: Allow any file attribute. (Default unless <-~arj> switch ON)
<-a1 >: All file-attribs. are accepted. Empty directories are handled too.
<-b3 >: Do not restore Archive-bits. Files are written with Archive-bit
<-c >: Skip time-stamp check when updating files.
<-e >: Exclude paths from filenames.
UNARJ_PR.TTP x -e GDA c:\depacked\
extracts all files in GDA.ARJ to
'c:\depacked\' without adding any
<-f >: Freshen existing files. Only files that exist at the target are
<-g >: Garble with password.
UNARJ_PR.TTP a -gcamel XARJ *.C
garbles all *.C files with the password
If '?' is specified as password (ARJ-compat. behaviour) or in case
NO parameter is specified UNARJ_PR.TTP will ask the user to enter a
Important: <-g> can only be disabled by following it with the
<-~ng> option: this is important if you are one of those
bonkers that set this flag in their ARJ_SW environment.
<-~ng> is the only way then to switch it off before
weird things start to happen...
<-i >: Show no progress indicator. (No point/bar/cycler/percentage)
Default-setting of UNARJ_PR.TTP is to show a progress-indicator
(point). Increments are by 64KByte steps...
<-i1 >: Show bar graph progress indicator.
<-i2 >: Show cycler progress indicator. (*)
<-n >: Do only new files which don't exist at the target.
<-o >: Do only those files which' time-stamp is ON or AFTER date
-o today, 0:00 am
-oYYMMDD specified day, 0:00 am: specified time...
-oYYMMDDHHMMSS both date and time specified by user.
<-ob >: Do only those files which' time-stamp is BEFORE date specified.
-ob today, 0:00 am
-obYYMMDD specified day, 0:00 am
-obYYMMDDHHMMSS day, time specified.
<-od >: Do only those files which' time-stamp is NOT OLDER than N days.
-od today
-od25 not older than 25 days.
<-p >: Match using full pathnames.
<-p1 >: Match path and it's subdirectories.
<-q >: Query on each file.
<-r >: Recursive search & match. Search: ARJ-files are searched for in
subdirectories too. Match: all target-files inside subdirectories
are matched too. (You might use <-~sr> to enable/disable ARJ-file
recursive search.
<-u >: Update target files. The target file's time-stamp is used unless
<-o> flags are specified.
<-v >: Enable multiple volumes. (Default unless <-~arj> flag switched ON)
<-y >: Assume YES on all queries except the prompt for 'next volume' when
ARJ-files are written to/read from a removable media.
<-- >: Stop parsing of options. (This option might be necessary if
filenames or paths are specified which start with '-'.
-h Shifted Options list:
<-ha >: Ignore Readonly-attribute of target-file(s). When extracting these
files are overwritten.
-j Shifted Options list:
<-ja1 >: Disable display of archive-banners & file-comments. Use <-~nb> or
<-~nc> options if you want to disable only one of the above.
<-jc >: Exit after a specified filecount.
UNARJ_PR.TTP x -jc50 *
stops depacking and exits UNARJ_PR.TTP
after extracting 50 files successfully.
<-jd >: Ensure a specified amount of free disk space when extracting.
skips all files which would cause the free
disk space to be less than 2 MegaByte. ('K'
(KiloByte), 'M' (MegaByte) and 'B' (Byte)
size-modifiers are recognized.)
<-jf >: Store & Use full pathname including drive & root-specifiers.
<-jf1 >: Store & Use full path except drive specifier.
<-jg >: Select 'Backup Type' files.
<-jg1 >: Select 'Backup Type' files exclusively.
UNARJ_PR.TTP x -jg1 *.ARJ *.H
will extract all files matching *.H in
ARJ-archives only if those files have their
'Backup Type' flag switched on.
<-jl >: Display only filespec. when viewing archive contents.
<-jo >: Extract to unique filenames if target exists. Unique filenames are
build by appending a file-extension in the range [000 - 999].
<-jp >: Pause after each screen full of data.
will list a complete usage overview of
UNARJ_PR.TTP with the page-length set to a
default [20 lines].
UNARJ_PR.TTP -? -jp50
will use a page-length of 50 lines.
<-jr >: Recover broken archive files. (This option must be used if an
archive reports bad files/CRC errors/etc. when
extracting/testing/viewing. If this flag is not specified,
UNARJ_PR.TTP will exit on such errors and delete the targetfile
when extracting. If <-jr> or <-jr1> is specified, all targetfiles
are NOT deleted when an error (CRC/depack err.) occurs. Severe
errors may cause some extra warnings while this program searches
for the next valid file.
<-jr1 >: This is an extension of the <-jr> switch and is only applicable if
you suspect archives to be *badly* damaged. This switch will cause
the extractor to continue if an EndOfArchive mark is found, thus
causing 'broken archive' messages, even for correct archives. These
warnings are only informative and don't change the behaviour of
this program.
<-jy >: Suppress queries assuming YES. See below for a list of <-jy> switch
extensions when you want a more detailed control over UNARJ_PR.TTP'
-jy Shifted Options list:
<-jy+ >: Skip all queries.
NOTE: Always put this option immidiately after the '-jy' since it
might otherwise be recognized as the '+' (enable/ON-code) for
the previous '-jy' option!
<-jy- >: Don't skip any query.
<-jyc >: Skip 'Create Directory' query.
<-jyn >: Skip 'New Filename' query when not overwriting files.
<-jyo >: Skip 'Overwrite File' query.
<-jyr >: Erase all type-ahead before any query.
<-jyv >: Skip 'Proceed With Next Volume' query.
<-jyy >: Accept single character user input on Y/N/Q/A questions. (If
disabled all queries must be terminated by pressing
-~ Shifted Options list:
<-~& >: Don't use the internal critical error handlers but leave it to the
O.S.! This option might be needed when you experience problems
using TOS 1.0 (first try the <-&> option though!) or MinT/MultiTOS.
However be warned that IF you disable the internal critical error
handler you get Dialog Boxes (!!!) when running this TTP when in
TOS 1.0-1.4 due to the well-known bug in TOS. (sigh!) So use with
<-~* >: Tell UNARJ_PR.TTP *NOT* to do any CRC validation checking. This
option is for those folks among you that want to squeeze every bit
of speed out of any tool they've got access to; however we believe
that mere speed doesn't counter the loss of data-integrity here,
but anyway, here it is...
This option may have disasterous results in the hands of the
unexperienced! This option disables any CRC-validation,
speeding depacking tremendously, but leaving you at the mercy
of the Lord of the Bugs when there's some damaged data in the
This option however does not switch off CRC checking for
headers, since otherwise erroneous headers could cause really
serious shit! (crashes, bombs, and such sort of stuff...)
Nonetheless you are warned that this option forces UNARJ_PR.TTP
to accept any (de)packed data, valid or INvalid!
<-~ac >: Assume command. Use the specified command if the user does invoke
UNARJ_PR.TTP without specifying any specifc command. (This option
is designed to be used in your ARJ_SW environment setup!)
{environment}[+ -jy+ -~acx]
will assume 'extract' (command <x>), thus
extracting all specified ARJ archives to
the basedir 'F:\WORK\'.
If this switch is used at the commandline, it is ignored!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't specify any command anywhere,
UNARJ_PR.TTP will assume 'x' (EXTRACT) as the
default, unless you switched on <-~arj>
compatibility mode, in which case you will get an
'Unspecified Command' error...
<-~arj >: Switch to R. Jung's ARJ.EXE behaviour as much as possible. This
causes a *lot* of queries to be enabled. This switch causes
automatic multiple volume support to be disabled and also disables
extracting files with ReadOnly/Hidden/System attributes set &
creation of empty directories.
<-~b >: Terrorists support. Specify attack-count as decimal number.
-~b1 will cause a single attack ;-))
<-~crc >: Specify the CRC speed loss you tolerate: you may specify a number
from ZERO (0) to SIX (6), where ZERO means:
fastest CRC calculation, but relatively large memory
consumption (64 KB extra!)
and SIX means:
slowest CRC calculation, but less memory used.
-~crc4 UNARJ_PR.TTP will use about 4 KB and an
avarage CRC calculation time.
<-~d >: Dump selected files in a user-defined destination, BUT do NOT
(repeat: *NOT*) extract them. CRC checking is switched off also...
This option comes in handy when you, a professional programmer,
want to include packed data, using the ARJ packing algorithms, for
inclusion in your own tools. <-~d> is immidiately followed by a
user-defined filename (which may include a path!) among some other
variables. All selected files are appended to this specified file,
unless otherwise noted. (See below.)
The <-~d> option really has a HUGE list of options which are
constituted of the following:
(NOTE THE TERMINATING COLON! This one is ONLY necessary when you
like to 'glue' any other -~-optionlist commands behind this option.
In any other case it's all right to limit the amount of colons to
the bare minimum...) where the <...> names mean:
The filename (may include path) where to dump the raw
data to. This parameter MUST be specified! If this slot
is empty however, UNARJ_PR.TTP assumes the user doesn't
want DUMP-mode after all. (This is the way to disable
some <-~d> setting inherited from your ARJ_SW
environment...) Example:
would be a valid parameter list,
disabling '-~d' and setting '-r', '-a',
'-y+' and '-~sr-'!
The filename (also possible with a path) whre the 'log'
should be written. If not specified, no 'log' will be
written during the dump. However a dump can be very
easy for you, as the format can be in plain 'C' or
'Assembley' format at your request, listing
fileoffsets, packing modes and the like!!! This was
made to ease it all for the software boyz so you'd
better make use of it!
May be one of the following values:
A Append all data to this file.
+ Identical to 'A'.
O Overwrite this file if it allready existed
before we started UNARJ_PR.TTP
- Identical to 'A'.
NOTE: when this option isn't specified or empty,
'OVERWRITE' is assumed.
May be one the following values (case-insensitive!):
BIN Output the dumped data as is (no formatting,
just binary output).
C Output the dumped data in C format (treating
all data as single bytes).
ASM Output in Assembly format, using 'DC.B'
commands for allocating the dataspace.
C* Equivalent to 'C'.
ASM* Identical to 'ASM'.
NOTE: when this isn't specified or empty, 'BIN' format
is assumed.
May be one the following values (case-insensitive!):
C Output the log data in C format, including some
comments about the original files.
ASM Output in Assembly format, using 'DC.L', 'DC.W'
and 'DC.B' commands for storing offsets and
such, while a semicolon will preceede every
line of comment...
C* Equivalent to 'C' except for the fact that this
setting also forces UNARJ_PR.TTP to include
some /* */ terminated comments which list
various infromation which isn't included in the
ASM* This option behaves like 'C*' compared to 'C'
except that the comments will be preceeded by a
semicolon every line...
NOTE: when this isn't specified or empty, 'C*' format
is assumed.
This option is in fact a number, stating the
BYTE-allignment of your desire when dumping data in
'BIN' mode. If NOT specified or empty, an allignment of
'1' (e.g. BYTE-allignment, so in fact: no allignment at
all!) is assumed.
<-~fb >: Specify the amount of file-buffering desired. This is an probably
important option when running under multitasking systems, as
UNARJ_PR.TTP will, by default, allocate *ALL* available free core
for file caching. By use of this option you can specify the amount
of bytes you wish to allow UNARJ_PR.TTP to allocate for
Note that '-~fb0' and '-~fb-' will allow UNARJ_PR.TTP to use all
available memory. On the other hand, a minimum size of 1 KiloByte
for file-buffering is required. If you specify less than the lower
limit, UNARJ_PR.TTP will assume 1K filebuffer nevertheless.
'-~fb' values may have a 'B' (Bytes), 'K' (KiloBytes) or 'M'
(MegaBytes) postfix. When no postfix is supplied, 'Bytes' are
assumed as unit of measure.
If you specify an amount too large, UNARJ_PR.TTP will limit the
filebuffer to the currently free amount of memory. Example:
Extracts all files contained in 'BURP.ARJ'
using a 10 KiloByte file buffer.
NOTE: NEGATIVE values specify the amount of free memory to *keep*
free when running UNARJ_PR.TTP!
<-~g >: Create a seperate directory (folder) named after the ARJ archive
(without the extension '.A??') in which all data will be extracted
- The basedir you have specified is taken into account too.
will both extract everything from
'BURP.ARJ' to the directory (which will
eventually be constructed by
This option is comparable with ST Zip's option '-g'.
<-~ia >: Ignore any file attributes (ReadOnly/Hidden/System). These
attributes will be masked OFF when extracting.
<-~k >: Wait for keypress before loading first archive and before loading
ANY multiple volumes (.A01, .A02, etc.). This option is introduced
by (I_A) for diskette-users to enable them to have UNARJ_PR.TTP on
one disk and the archives spread accross other diskettes while
enabling the user to depack these archives without too much of a
<-~lw >: Use specified line-width when printing data to screen. (Default =
80 characters) This option can be used to allow for wider display
in Overscan(tm) mode or when using extended screen drivers (soft &
<-~nb >: Don't show banners.
<-~nc >: Don't show file-comments.
<-~ng >: Disable the <-g> option: don't garble/degarble any file with any
password. See option <-g> for more info.)
<-~ns >: Don't do VERY strict targetfile checking when extracting multiple
volumes. If files packed by ARJ.EXE from Robert K. Jung are done in
'text mode' and multiple volumes are selected, it can happen that
ARJ.EXE re-archived part of a file when crossing a volume limit and
switching to binary mode.
Without this switch enabled UNARJ_PR.TTP will issue a warning about
'oversized target'. Use this switch to enable ARJ.EXE compatible
bahaviour here. (Other multiple volume related warnings are still
<-~pe >: Pause before exiting UNARJ_PR.TTP. Switch useful when your
shell/desktop clears the screen immidiately after running any
TTP/TOS program like this one. (Default enabled, switched off when
using <-~arj> ARJ compatibility mode switch or <-~pe-> ...)
<-~rm >: Specify removables. Only useful when you have removable media as
device C: or higher and you want to switch media while using
UNARJ_PR.TTP. (<-~k> switch required too then!)
UNARJ_PR.TTP x -~k -~rmce-hnp
lists C: E: F: G: H: N: P: as removable
drives. (Multiple lists of the form
<driveletter>-<driveletter> are allowed.)
'-~rm' without any parameter assumes all existing devices in the
range C: - Z: ...
<-~sr >: Search for ARJ archives recursively. (Look in subdirectories too!)
UNARJ_PR.TTP x -r -~sr- *.ARJ *.TXT
extracts any .TXT file in any ARJ archive
in the current directory. Searching for ARJ
archives is however limited to the current
directory by disabling <-r> on this matter
by using '-~sr-'.
<-~ss >: No Screen Scrolling: display all screen-output on a single line.
This can speed up things quite a bit if you got one of those nasty
archives with a lot of little teeny wheeny files. (Phew, yet
another user-request completed ;-) )
<-~v >: Set verbose level. (Default = 2)
<-~v0 >: Set 'no' verbose. Any screen-output is discarded.
<-~v1 >: Set 'little' verbose. Most screen-output is discarded.
<-~v2 >: Set 'normal' verbose level. (Default)
<-~v3 >: Set 'extreme' verbose. Extra warnings and good advice is added to
the generated screen-garbage. If you like extravagant amounts of
text to scroll across your screen to impress the Hell out of the
innocent bystanders, this is the one you were looking for!
If you however on the other hand are not yet very familiar with
this little gadget, you could use the information listed on your
screen in case of trouble, but adding an extra <-jp> option switch
would certainly help in adjusting the reading speed to your
personal needs.
<-~xd >: Search for ARJ archives accross drives. Switches on recursive
search too! Drive-specification as with the <-~rm> option
UNARJ_PR.TTP x -~xdc-ehj-l *.ARJ
lists C: D: E: H: J: K: L: as drives to be
scanned for *.ARJ archives. (Multiple lists
of the form <driveletter>-<driveletter> are
NOTE: '-~xd' without any parameter assumes all existing devices in
the range C: - Z: ...
NOTE2: '-~xd' automatically implies 'rescursive search'. You might
specify the '-~sr-' or '-r-' option subsequently if you
don't want that sort of behaviour.
All options may be followed by '-' to DISABLE them or '+' (default action) to
ENABLE them.
Options may be preceeded by '-' or '/' as switch-token, but they may not be
mixed on the commandline.
UNARJ_PR.TTP fully supports the ARJ_SW environment variable, which may specify
any list of default options OR a filename, which contains those options, listed
per command or as global default. Read the UNARJ_PR.TTP manual for more
detailed information.
Redirection of screen output
Redirection has allways been a bit problematic on ST/e/TT series
(unless you're one of those folks running Mint and CLI shells) so
UNARJ_PR.TTP got it's own redirection code aboard for all those
machines that don't have redirection support build-in. (Indeed, MinT
and others will override UNARJ_PR.TTP' redirection method!) There are 4
redirection styles available:
> file Redirect all normal screenoutput to file <file>.
>file Same as above.
>> file Redirect all normal output to <file>. If <file>
allready EXISTS new data is APPENDED!
>>file Same as above.
>& file Redirect all screenoutput to <file>. All ERROR &
WARNING messages are redirected to this file too!
>&file Same as above.
>>& file Same as '>& file' but if <file> allready EXISTS
new data is APPENDED!
>>&file Same as above.
UNARJ_PR.TTP l -~rs+ k:\*.ARJ >& c:\arjlist
will redirect all ouput, including headers and
all, to file 'c:\arjlist'. The result will be a
file containing a complete overview of the
contents of every .ARJ file found on drive K: !
UNARJ_PR.TTP -? > arj_man.txt
will redirect this description to the file
'arj_man.txt' in the current directory.
Wildcards are only allowed in filenames. Wildcards recognized as such
by UNARJ_PR.TTP are '*' (zero or more arbritrary characters) and '?'
(one arbitrary character). Please note that '*' does not 'cross' the
'.' in filenames, so you will need to specify '*.*' to match anything
with OR WITHOUT any extension.
The enhancement compared to other programs is the capability to accept
multiple wildcards to match 'midstring' parts like:
*ar?*.lst which will match:
'arj.lst', 'unarj.lst', 'larc.lst', [etc.]
but NOT
'ar.lst' or 'tar.lst'
Arguments can be concatenated like this:
x -auyv+
You can mix normal options with <-h..> , <-j..>, <-jy..> and <-~..>
'shifted' options like this (Remember: -h, -j, -jy, -~ are TOGGLES:
they toggle between their own list of shifted switches and normal
switches: this is NOT 100% ARJ compatible behaviour!!!)
x -auvjyoyjyhahjr1jod3 ...
which is equivalent to:
x -a -u -v -jyo -jyy -ha -jr1 -od3 ...
You see: shift symbols ('-h', '-~', etc.) cannot be 'stacked'!
NOTE: Since [rev. I_A/Ni! 1.092α] however we *do* support R. Jung
commandline parsing style 100% as 'shifted option' can now be
freely mixed like this:
x -auvjyoyhajr1jod3 ...
which is equivalent to:
x -a -u -v -jyo -jyy -ha -jr1 -od3 ...
Only for reasons of downwards compatibility of UNARJ_PR.TTP, we
will sustain the 'old' option-concatenation style alongside the
new method.
If no command is specified by the user and no <-~ac> switch is found in
your ARJ_SW environment, EXTRACTING will be used as the default in
order to behave like LHA for ST/e/etc. (Unless you switched on ARJ
compatibility mode using <-~arj> somewhere in your environment!)
With special thanx to the TOS-crew (Ger "Insh_Allah" Hobbelt &
Hans "Mr Ni!(the Great)" Wessels)
Thank you for using the ATARI ST-version of UNARJ 9.96 (rev. I_A/Ni! 3.008)
converted by M()ir Brandts Honk/Ger Hobbelt/Hans Wessels
(created @ Aug 26 1995 20:20:10).
For more info call MBH @ p+31-70-3457929 / +31-70-3461215q
or e-mail i_a@mbh.org
(Time used: 00:00.07.75)